Friday, September 14, 2007

Consider the Lilies

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Matthew 6: 28, 29

I have been considering lilies for  decades.  Someone challenged me with these words in 1983 and I'm just beginning to grow into them.  

It is interesting to observe these lilies. They burst forth at times under conditions that are not particularly attractive. There are times when they grow in murky water. These water lilies have a way of changing the environment of which they are a part. In many ways you are like one of those lilies. You are able to live under conditions in a world where there are inequities and ugliness yet you are able to provide a semblance of hope and beauty.

As followers of Christ, I believe we are all called to the humble witness of hope in a world filled with polarity, fear, and injustice. Being a persistent loving presence in the face of the divisive rhetorics of our day changes reality, although very slowly.   Being a faithful reflection of the grace we have known in Christ transforms unbendable hearts and minds to consider the emerging awareness of God's Love for all and in all.  Bloom, whereever we find ourselves.


Type rest of the post here

1 comment:

Mike said...

"Bloom, whereever we find ourselves."

Thanks for sharing these thoughts Stacie. Your last line, quoted above, is where I have been focusing all of my class time on the last few months and I am sure you have seen it in my writing. The Great Commission calls us to go. That doesn't mean you have to sell everything you own, give it to the church and leave on an overseas mission, you have to be a missionary where ever you are. So go to work, go to the store, go to the movies.

Just be receptive to the leadings of the spirit while you're out there.